The historical significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Robiya Arslonova*

The adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 and subsequent documents in which the Declaration have been developed marked a  new era in the progress of international law on human rights.  Due to the intensive development of international law in the XIX-XX centuries, the concepts of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights became an integral part of the modern international legal worldview. Thereby, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has become a kind of completion of the multi-century process of formation of the idea of human rights.

The fundamental principles that underpin modern legislative acts governing human rights have always existed. However, only in the XX century, the international community came to realize the need to develop minimum standards governing the relations of the state to its citizens. The reasons that led to this are formulated in the Preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as follows: “... whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world and... disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts ... it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law[1] ...”.

Over the centuries, people have sought to protect themselves from harassment by public authorities. This struggle was conducted in different forms and pursued different objectives. 

It can argued that the formation of the philosophical, political and legal systems of human rights has undergone a certain historical process from limited constructions to expanded recognition of the universality of the nature of human rights from international legal (combined with national) forms means to their approval by all states and legal systems of different countries.

The formation and development of human rights characterizes the type of civilization, its stage, since the relations between a person and the state are the most important factor that determines the nature of a particular civilization, and the state - as legal or non-legal.

Views on human rights are generated from the philosophical tradition of natural law. The natural law as the basis of universally recognized norms and principles of human rights includes the ideals of freedom, justice, equality of all before the law, recognition of the people as the sole source of power. 

Human rights and freedoms provide a person with opportunities to fully develop and utilize their human qualities, intelligence, talents and meet the spiritual and other needs. They are based on the growing needs of humanity in such a life in which the dignity and value of every human being would be respected and protected by law.

Human rights are universal and they can be used by all people without any discrimination. Respect for human rights and freedoms should be promoted constantly, regardless of the existing conditions in the state. The rights of a person or a group of persons may be restricted only if their exercise restricts the rights of others.

In the field of human rights, education possesses fundamental importance. Therefore, it is important that people are educated about human rights as well as obligations of States to respect and protect the rights and freedoms enshrined in national legislation and international agreements on human rights.

The formation of an open civil society is possible only if the aspirations and actions of all state bodies are aimed at the development of a harmoniously developed personality and the assertion of respect for human rights and freedoms.

The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan reflects the basic principles outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is one of the first international legal instruments to which the Republic of Uzbekistan has joined after independence. Person, his rights, freedoms and guarantees for their implementation are proclaimed as the supreme value and purpose of society and the state in Art. 13 of the Constitution of Uzbekistan[2].  The state is responsible before citizens to create free conditions and exalted development of his personality.

Nowadays, the Republic of Uzbekistan joined the 70 basic human rights instruments, has become a party to 10 fundamental international treaties adopted by the UN in the field of human rights.

The Republic of Uzbekistan has its own model of systematic and stage-by-stage implementation of international standards in the national legislation and law enforcement practice, and a national system for monitoring compliance with constitutional human rights and freedoms has been formed.

As part of the implementation of the tasks outlined in the Strategy of Actions on the five priority development areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021, successive measures are being taken to further strengthen the place and role of the country as a full-fledged subject of international relations, to join the list of developed democratic states, to create a belt of security, stability and good-neighborliness around Uzbekistan.

In our country, the Program of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted[3]. According to this decree, it is planned to ensure close cooperation with international organizations, especially with UN agencies, on the active participation of representatives of Uzbekistan in international events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On December 10, 2018 in all schools, lyceums, colleges, and higher educational institutions of the country there will be held a nationwide lesson dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Further ensuring of human rights is directly related to the construction of an open democratic state with a market economy in Uzbekistan, the formation of the foundations of civil society. Without copying blindly the experience and model of developed countries, Uzbekistan pursues its own, independent policy of gradual improvement of the quality of life, ensuring the democratic development of the country, where all human rights and freedoms are guaranteed, regardless of gender, nationality, religion or belief. In our country, an understanding is formed that a democratic society is primarily a civil society, that the highest sense of democracy is the harmonization of interpersonal, interethnic and socio-political relations when a person and society, society and state power live in peace and harmony, and where State bodies serve citizens as best as possible.


[1] Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Geneva, 2018.

[2] The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Tashkent, 2017. P. 7

[3] Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 5, 2018 “On the program of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”// The People's Voice, 6 May 2018.